Weird West developer WolfEye Studios is continuing to tease out neSports Bettingw details on its next game, and though the developer is yet to fully pull back the curtain on what it’ll be, it’s given us our first proper glimpse at what it will look like.
Taking to Twitter, WolfEye Studios shared three screenshots of its project. As previously confirmed, it’s going to be a first-person action RPG immersive sim, and true to prior leaks, the new screenshots also confirm a retro sci-fi setting for the game. It definitely still seems to be sharing at least a little bit of Weird West’s aesthetic, while also seemingly having a little bit in common with Fallout’s look. Check out the screenshots below.
WolfEye Studios has said that it’s going to be talking more about its next title in soon, which will hopefully also entail a full reveal. With Gamescom coming up at the end of this month, maybe that’s where we’ll see the game in action. Stay tuned for more updates.